Mentoring for Success at Big Brothers Big Sisters

Big Brothers Big Sisters provides stable, caring adult mentors for children and youth living with adversity, starting them on a path to resilience and success. Over time, these relationships balance out the effects of hardship, giving children a way to thrive despite the challenges they face.

Last year, Big Brothers Big Sisters served 195 kids in Tacoma and Pierce County. While no two children are alike, here are a few factors that affect our kids:

  •     84% are eligible for free or reduced lunch.
  •     23% have been homeless in the last five years.
  •     26% have a loved one in the criminal justice system.

Our mentoring programs make a real difference. After 12 months, a relationship with a caring, consistent adult has a significant positive effect on a young person’s behavior and well-being. In 2018, among the kids we serve:

  •              89% said they felt more accepted by their peers.
  •              96% grew more confident in their abilities at school.
  •              96% reported an aversion to risky behavior like physical violence and substance abuse.

Outcomes like these are what Big Brothers Big Sisters is all about. If a youth succeeds in these areas, he or she can succeed in life. The Tacoma-Pierce County Big Brothers Big Sisters has a waitlist of more than 300 youth and families who are seeking the support of a mentor.”

This article was featured in the 2019 Community Impact Report. 

Diana Comfort is the Managing Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Puget Sound.