Today, Graduate Tacoma is more than 350 community partners strong. We are parents and educators, early learning and higher education, business and labor, youth and community service, civic and philanthropy, local government and communities of faith, all aligning our work together with Tacoma schools to impact student success.


Our Approach

The Graduate Tacoma community movement applies a collective impact framework to bridge sectors and support systems in favor of kids. 

The work is organized and mobilized by five Collaborative Action Networks. These Networks consist of more than 100 partner organizations, institutions, and youth-serving programs that meet regularly to address our community-built indicators while building and strengthening existing community coalitions.

Tacoma Refuses to Lose

The We Refuse to Lose series explores what cradle-to-career initiatives across the country are doing to improve outcomes for students of color and those experiencing poverty. Graduate Tacoma continues to advance its commitment to equity of opportunity for students of color in the era of COVID-19 and a renewed fight against racial oppression and violence.

Graduate Tacoma makes a commitment to residents’ self-sufficiency by allocating funding to help people gain the skills they need to succeed in the workforce.

Tacoma among five communities nationwide recognized for outstanding progress in strengthening local education pipeline.

Graduate Tacoma developed tools to measure and evaluate progress at different stages of the student journey. Graduate Tacoma partners identified 11 student and six community indicators to measure and collect data on benchmark achievements.

Coordinating Across Sectors

The Ecosystem of Education illustrates the network of interlocking parts existent in every city that influence youth success as a whole. Because every one of us has an influence in a young person’s life, Graduate Tacoma brings into focus that work must be done across industries and with each other as partners to nurture environments that support students and their development. We do this by bridging all actors of the ecosystem.

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