Data Dashboard


By 2030, 70 percent of Tacoma Public Schools students will earn a degree, technical certificate, or gain a good-earning wage employment opportunity within six years of high school graduation. Targeted efforts will focus on students of color and those impacted by poverty.

Success will require meaningful cross-sector alignment and partnership, data-sharing and accountability, targeted resourcing, advocating for racially just practices, and maintaining progress on all indicators, cradle to career.

Cradle to Career Indicators

We track several cradle-to-career and institutional indicators based on national best practices within the Strive Together Network, and sub-indicators based on best practices, our own research, and strategies linked to our specific context. We also maintain numerous internal dashboards for continuous improvement and systems change work. Please contact our data team for more details,

Institutional Indicators

  • Institutional Performance on Accountability Pledges (Coming Soon)
  • State of the Community Network (Coming Soon)