Pierce County Pathways

A coordinated system of supports enabling postsecondary success and economic mobility for all students


Dedicated to increasing the number of students who enroll in right-fit colleges or technical schools one year after graduation.


Dedicated to increasing the completion rates of 2- and 4-year college degrees and certificates.


Dedicated to supporting students transitioning from high school into a good-earning wage job.

Pierce County Access

Pierce County Access seeks to increase the rate of students who apply to and enroll in a right-fit college or institution. We are dedicated to expanding strategies and partnerships to more school districts and community-based organizations in the county through collective action and systems-level strategies, ultimately leading to more equitable college access for all students. 

Pierce County Completes

Pierce County Completes is a geographic expansion of Tacoma Completes – a community-based partnership to increase college completion for first-generation, low-income students of color. This work is designed to be cross-institutional and cross-sector, ultimately leading to a systems-level change to address deep-rooted equity gaps related to degree or certificate completion. 

Peer-to-Peer Mentoring

Building the capacity and capability within peer-to-peer networks to support their own postsecondary journeys.
Includes implementation of evidence-based peer mentoring curriculum through partnership with College Access: Research & Action; Resourcing a cohort of peer leaders within Tacoma Community College’s student groups (year 1); Expanding to additional Pierce County institutions in 2023 and 2024.

Internships & Career Connected Pathways

Improving access to career-connected opportunities and increasing a sense of belonging and purpose for students.
Includes partnerships with Workforce Central, Degrees of Change, UW Tacoma, and others to improve internship experiences for students; Focus on local good-earning wage career paths i.e. healthcare, construction, technology; Cross-sector effort to improve existing pathways ensuring career-ready students and student-ready employers
Vertical portrait of two smiling car mechanics chatting in garage shop, focus on young woman in workwear

Pierce County Workforce

Pierce County Workforce seeks to maximize the opportunity for students to enter a good-earning wage,  defined as a job that enables full-time workers to support their household based on family composition, keeps up with inflation costs, and provides opportunities for wage progression, healthcare benefits, and potential for retirement savings.

Social Capital & Networking Pathways

Filling the professional "network gap" for students to better connect them to specific career pathways, including local apprenticeships.
Includes participation in a two-year national cohort to explore strategies to build social capital for underrepresented students of color; Provide workplace experiences that include intentionally growing professional relationships and finding occupational fit; Support from Education Strategy Group and other national subject matter experts.