A coordinated system of supports enabling postsecondary success and economic mobility for all students
Dedicated to increasing the number of students who enroll in right-fit colleges or technical schools one year after graduation.
Dedicated to increasing the completion rates of 2- and 4-year college degrees and certificates.
Dedicated to supporting students transitioning from high school into a good-earning wage job.
Pierce County Access seeks to increase the rate of students who apply to and enroll in a right-fit college or institution. We are dedicated to expanding strategies and partnerships to more school districts and community-based organizations in the county through collective action and systems-level strategies, ultimately leading to more equitable college access for all students.
Pierce County Completes is a geographic expansion of Tacoma Completes – a community-based partnership to increase college completion for first-generation, low-income students of color. This work is designed to be cross-institutional and cross-sector, ultimately leading to a systems-level change to address deep-rooted equity gaps related to degree or certificate completion.
Pierce County Workforce seeks to maximize the opportunity for students to enter a good-earning wage, defined as a job that enables full-time workers to support their household based on family composition, keeps up with inflation costs, and provides opportunities for wage progression, healthcare benefits, and potential for retirement savings.