We provide a trusted source of aggregated, disaggregated, and student-level data for partners to best impact and influence outcomes for youth. Explore various dashboards and resources to track cradle-to-career progress, inform strategies, and drive systems change.
Explore student-level and institutional indicator data to track progress and measure success toward our 2030 community-wide goal.
Explore wage data in Pierce County disaggregated by various occupations and family compositions.
Our Data Library includes carefully vetted and curated resources to support data literacy and drive systems change in Pierce County and beyond. Resources include original content, technical resources, and activities supporting individual learning.
Our reports provide high-level metrics about our impact and accounts of how partners are addressing key indicators. Explore data around strategies for systems change and resources we need to create equitable futures for our youth.
The Foundation for Tacoma Students' Data Team participates in numerous special data collection, evaluation, and visualization projects with Collaborative Action Networks and cross-sector partners - centering continuous improvement and systems change. Please get in touch with us if you are interested in collaborating on a project or inquiring about sliding scale Fee for Service work.