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Advocacy Professional Development Workshop

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Start Date
November 5, 2019 @ 9:00 am
End Date
November 5, 2019 @ 12:00 pm
919 S. 9th St, Tacoma

The Foundation for Tacoma Students launched its first advocacy agenda last year. Building on our learnings in that first year, we have since convened the newly-established Graduate Tacoma Advocacy Network (GTAN). This Network is dedicated to elevating the Tacoma/Pierce County voice to address impactful local, regional and state policy issues that further our goals for a Tacoma where every child succeeds cradle to career. With that, we’d like to invite you to join the GTAN at two upcoming professional development workshops from Jeff and Niki Reading of Reading Communications that will give you an opportunity to sharpen your skills and your overall approach to your advocacy work.

Part I: Communicating in a legislative environment
October 15, 9AM – 12PM  |  Foundation for Tacoma Students Offices

Whether you’re a seasoned hand at delivering your message to lawmakers or looking to learn the ropes, the first session will give an overview of the legislative environment, describe how and why legislative activity looks the way it does, and provide some insight into legislators’ perspectives and behavior. Understanding these factors is key to ensuring that your message is delivered and received with optimal effectiveness, whether speaking one-on-one with a legislator, delivering testimony before a committee, participating in a panel discussion or town hall, or providing informational materials with legislators or their staff. This session will cover the elements of a good message aimed at legislators, and workshop how to develop consistent messaging and strong message frameworks both within your organization and in concert with the messaging of allied organizations.


Part II: Communicating with reporters

November 5, 9AM – 12PM  |  Foundation for Tacoma Students Offices

It is common for professionals in advocacy roles to rely heavily upon the work of the press while at the same time finding themselves frustrated in their interactions with individual reporters. Knowing what reporters are looking for and how they work to create a story out of shapeless events can help ensure that your engagement with the press promotes greater clarity around your issue and even provides the perspective that frames it. This session will demystify the reporting process, show how reporters are unofficial but essential partners in the public policy process, and provide recommendations for how to help reporters tell a story that both informs the public and advances the communications goals of your organization.


Venue Details
FFTS Office, 919 S. 9th St
Tacoma, WA 98405 United States
Events Details
Date :
05 November 2019
Time :
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
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