“In 2011, Lincoln High School earned a state innovation designation for its work piloting Lincoln Center, a “school within a school” providing students with 450 extra instruction hours over the course of their high school career. Due to the proven success of the students who voluntarily participated in Lincoln Center, all of Lincoln High School has since adopted the extended day, homework help and academic advising model. Lincoln 2.0 amplifies student success with more challenging coursework, designated time for career exploration, and an increasing number of classes taught at the honors or Advanced Placement level.
The Extended Day program at Lincoln High School offers students an additional class period during the day for enrichment and additional support in the form of homework help, mentorship, and post-secondary planning.
Seminar class allows us to know our students better and offer more responsive instruction. It’s proving to be an important resource for student success because relationships we develop with our students allow us to push them both in their classes as well as in planning for the future. We this we are furthering Lincoln’s goal to have every student connected to a trusted adult.”
This article was featured in the 2019 Community Impact Report.