Partners, Friends, and Tacoma Community,
Like all of you, the violent acts that occurred this month — less than one week from each other — have been extremely unsettling.
The Foundation for Tacoma Students and the Graduate Tacoma movement work every day to ensure students can achieve their full potential. We aim to create a society for children, their families, and the communities around them to thrive.
The murders of Delaina Ashley Yaun, Paul Andre Michels, Xiaojie Tan, Daoyou Feng, Soon Chung Park, Hyun JungGrant, Sun Cha Kim, and Yong Ae Yue in Atlanta on March 16 have brought to the forefront the increasingly violent and repulsive anti-Asian hate crimes across the country. As a partnership of families and community, we are saddened, frustrated, outraged, and in solidarity with our Asian American & Pacific Islander communities.
The racially-charged shootings last week underscore the very reasons we are bringing partners and community together for our upcoming Charting Our Future conference. We invite you to join us April 6-8 to better understand how racism impacts us all, is deeply entrenched, and requires us each to take an active role against it in order to strengthen our support for students and families.
We know our Tacoma family is deeply hurt and troubled by the domestic terrorism that occurred in Atlanta and Boulder, Co. The Foundation for Tacoma Students and Graduate Tacoma remain committed to our mission and condemn these acts of violence.
With Gratitude,
Holly Bamford Hunt
Board Chair, Foundation for Tacoma Students