Announcing Community Learning Fund Subgrantees

The Foundation for Tacoma Students is thrilled to announce 38 subgrantees to the Graduate Tacoma Community Learning Fund! This is the first investment of its kind by the Foundation, with […]
Nearly $20k Raised for Teachers

Teachers are most often a young person’s closest source of opportunity and essential to the success of every child. The Teacher Impact Award grant was created by the Foundation for […]
From President & CEO Eric Wilson: In Gratitude

Dear Partners & Friends, As Holly shared in her gracious letter earlier this week, the baton has been passed and I will officially resign as Founding President of the […]
Community Leader Spotlight: T’wina Nobles of Tacoma Urban League

Excitement poured out from the group of teenage girls as they each took turns holding different animals at the Tacoma Urban League office during a visit from Point Defiance Zoo. […]
How Fab-5 is Creating Space to Celebrate Diversity

Tiffanny Hammonds, 22, works as the Fab-5 Space Manager and Visual Arts Teacher at their HQ in Hilltop, Tacoma. Tiffanny has been with Fab-5 for over 10 years and can […]
Tacoma Teens Win Regional Apollo Landing Challenge

Space is only 50 to 62 miles away depending on the measurement one uses. The cosmos is infinite and ever expanding. And yet, despite its size and relative closeness, the […]
Giving Kids a Summer Boost in Partnership

Nine-year-old Abigail Mulholland is putting together the final touches of her PowerPoint Presentation on Jeepneys. “They’re a type of transportation from the Philippines,” she explains. “They have been used since […]
Community Leader Spotlight: Pamela Porter

Pamela Porter, or Ms. Pam as her students call her, has been a program specialist at the Boys & Girls Club BOTT lab since 2018. Building Opportunity Through Technology, or BOTT, […]
New Investments in Tacoma!

Dear Partners and Friends, It’s an honor to share some exciting news! We are thrilled to announce a new and game-changing investment into the larger Tacoma community aimed at deepening […]
Big Wins in Olympia as Legislative Session Concludes

Dear Graduate Tacoma Partners, With a flurry of last-minute activity the state legislature has officially closed the 2019 session. We are thrilled to report there was positive action taken […]