Financial Aid Night Helps Tacoma Students Achieve Postsecondary Goals

The Foundation for Tacoma Students opened its doors to more than 120 students and their families as part of a recent Financial Aid Completion Night. SAMi Co-Director Liz Minks worked […]
Empowering Partnerships for Student Success

Partners from across Graduate Tacoma’s Collaborative Action Networks (CAN) gathered earlier this month to celebrate their work and plan for the future together. During this quarterly event, partners join forces […]
Here’s how Tacoma can come together to protect young people: The Safe Youth Campaign

Our youth are facing a crisis, but we can address this crisis together with a united sense of purpose. There will undoubtedly be stumbling blocks along the way, but we have the utmost faith that our effort will reflect the sum total of our collective energies, ideas, time and resources directed toward the common goal of keeping Tacoma’s youth safe.
A Year to Catalyze Each Other

Amidst a tumultuous summer, the Foundation piloted a Racial Equity Organizational Assessment tool. We spoke to five organizations participating in the Community Learning Fund to reflect on the weeks following the murders of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Manuel Ellis, Rayshard Brooks, and Jacob Blake. They shared how their work became newly defined in the last year and signaled a turning point to double down on their efforts to be anti-racist.
Collaborative Action Network’s Virtually Convene

Our Collaborative Action Networks are the heart and soul of the Graduate Tacoma movement. Over 120 partners come together each month to discuss strategies to support Tacoma students.The ability for our incredible partners to continue to support students in this way given the unprecedented challenges presented by the pandemic and our ongoing and elevated racial unrest speaks to the power of collective action and the Graduate Tacoma community.
65 Ways to be AntiRacist in Tacoma

Donate to Support Black Lives BLM Seattle Freedom Fund George Floyd Memorial Fund Breonna Taylor Memorial Fund I Run with Maud Manuel Ellis Memorial Fund Louisville Community Bail Fund Black […]
Student Access & Technology Fund
The digital divide is real, far-reaching, and for the first time, unavoidable as we consider our role as a support system for students. We know that virtual classrooms will never […]
The Power of Mentorship

In a city where most of our residents are White, but the majority of our student population is Black and Brown, investing in mentorship that reflects the identities of Tacoma […]
Community Leader Spotlight: R. Michael Hale

R. Michael Hale is the Engineering Mentor for Tacoma Community College’s Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement (MESA) program, a position he has held since 2016. Raised in Chicago, Michael’s career as […]
Community Leader Spotlight: T’wina Nobles of Tacoma Urban League

Excitement poured out from the group of teenage girls as they each took turns holding different animals at the Tacoma Urban League office during a visit from Point Defiance Zoo. […]