Announcing Pierce County ELO Fund Subgrantees

In partnership with Pierce County, The Foundation for Tacoma Students is thrilled to announce the first round of funded programs through the Pierce County Expanded Learning Opportunity (ELO) Fund.

Legislative Session Marks Landmark Progress

Majority Democrats in the House and Senate responded with easily the most momentous and activist session in decades, not only responding to a raft of COVID-related challenges but also making landmark, long-sought-after progress on major progressive priorities, including racial justice and tax reform.

College Bound Access Expanded!

Two of the Graduate Tacoma Advocacy Network’s 2021 policy priorities officially passed out of both the House of Representatives and the State Senate – meaning they now head to Governor Inslee’s office to sign into law.

A Fair Start for Early Learners

Join our partners at Project Child Success and Washington Communities for Children in highlighting the need for increased investments in early learning across the state

Take Action to Expand College Bound Access

With all students opted into the College Bound Scholarship, we are relieving an unnecessary burden for many of our school staff, students, and families. SB-5321 has the potential to support communities across the state to increase their college-going culture and college enrollment rates.

Last Policy Push as Cutoff Date Nears

The policy cutoff date is only one week away! This means that any bills that haven’t passed out of their policy committee will not move forward this session.

A Month of Raising Community Voices

We call on our partners, friends, and advocates to join our collective voices during the month of February to build a Tacoma that justly serves our students.

Bill Aims to Give all Kids a Fair Start

The Fair Start of Kids Act would make early learning – including childcare, preschool, and programs for infants and toddlers – more affordable and accessible for families and more sustainable for providers, who are typically women of color.